Introducing: “My Sandbox of Life!”

As I inquire into the mysteries of Life, I ask the ‘powers that be’, during these times of mass change and uncertainty, “where do we go from here?” The intensity of challenges being faced by humankind has magnified within my lifetime at least a hundredfold, if not more. SO MUCH IS GOING ON and so many more people are now in survival mode. I shake my head in disbelief at growing the challenges faced by us all on a global scale.

Today, I am grateful that I am still in tack and able walk this good earth in ways that matter most to me. Like billions the people who walk this “good earth”, I too have faced numerous life-altering challenges- far more than I care to count. Amidst all the adversity I am still alive and living out my story in hope that what I say and do serves the betterment of humanity.

As I explore, experience and grow through my life lessons I continually reflect on the strange and interesting ‘human interplays’ that occur on this wondrous planet. I ask myself, “Am I being Paula to the best of my ability?”

I consult, educate, facilitate, and counsel people from many walks of life and age groups, for any number of different reasons… and have for over 28 years. I wrote a non-fiction book Sand Play for the Soul: Awakening the Power of YOU to New Worlds of Possibility) and the 2nd book, an inspirational fiction, is due to be published in 2009. My work, successes and world adventures are an extension of me. But is “being me” enough?

On my ‘walk of life’ my mission focuses on doing what I can to awaken the full power of our innate human resources through the vast intelligence of “the Soul”. I facilitate journeys which allow individuals and/or groups to directly dialogue with their souls in three-dimensional form. Selecting from a vast collection of miniatures (reflective of the world in which we live) the participants create a scene with their chosen items in a tray filled with sand. What unfolds during the facilitation process of these adventures continually puts me in a state of awe. It’s clear to me: There are no limits to what can be revealed when the Soul speaks and we listen. I am but a facilitator who guides people on an empowering journey of great discovery and resolution. Facilitating Soul Dialogues through Sand Play is one of many passions. Is there more I can contribute in the world?

I went public with my work though the publication of my book “Sand play for the Soul”, TV documentaries in which aired my work and my website. I am now able to share what I know with those who wish to receive what I have to offer. Does this mean I am doing what I can, to the best of my ability, in service of my planet and all who reside on it? I am still asking that question, and still wondering. “If I am… what does that really means in “the giant sandbox of life”, and is it enough?” The verdict is not yet in on either query.